Choppr can handle all your custom front- and back-end web development requests at competitive and affordable rates.

Choppr can handle all your custom front- and back-end web development requests at competitive and affordable rates.

Stuff We Know

We have a wide range of experience and have worked on numerous projects, from simple shopping carts to fully working project management systems.

Here is a brief list of our skills and expertise:

  • Front-end development – HTML (XHTML1 and HTML5), CSS (CSS2 and CSS3) and JavaScript.
  • Front-end development frameworks and libraries – jQuery and jQuery UI, MooTools, Scriptaculous, D3, Bootstrap, Backbone, Foundation, LESS, SASS, 960 Grid System, Blueprint, Foundation, Font-Awesome, WooCommerce, HTML5Boilerplate, etc.
  • Back-end development – PHP, MySQL, and Ruby on Rails.
  • Back-end development frameworks – Zend Framework and CakePHP.
  • Adobe Creative Suite – Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Photoshop.
  • Version control – SVN and Git.

Competitive and Affordable Rates

We offer a very affordable hourly rate for any custom web development project. If you would like to get a quote, go to our contact page and fill out the custom quote form with details about your project. We will evaluate it and get back to you with an estimate and time frame within 24 hours or less.